![]() | ![]() LA | NY A Special Edition of The East Village Kristin Prevallet 0:00, 0/0/00 (The Impossible Sky) Please pass whatever stick is up your "skylight" Lions on the make with their lionesses, their Eyes bulging larger than their "tails" I am a hymnless soul with no orifiCes And prod me though you might no Dung on a silver plAtter will Enrich your flavorful feast tonight Sweetie. A guitar is more Probable than I, so stick it Up her bounteous butt, PopPing with cinnamon and sweat Prodding between wood and string. I talked with my conductoR today Symphonies are chaotic was all she said. Tune your instruments radIoactive At least you're guaranteed to glow Unlike trying to maintain a Coversation Range rampart thrOugh erroneous accusations Unlike trying to maintain a life when Synonymous with sinking you'Re washing dishes Living is breathing all the way dowN I can't think of a more tedioUs way to go Being yanked by both chain and heart string Rage against the two-timing thruSter Animus of three beings divides the nuptial vow. Next |