![]() | ![]() LA | NY A Special Edition of The East Village NY Contributors' Info Note: Pieces by Anselm Berrigan, Jeff Derksen, Brenda Iijima, Nada Gordon, Wendy Kramer, Brendan Lorber, Laurie Price, Brian Kim Stefans and Gary Sullivan appear in previous volumes of The East Village. Among Anselm Berrigan's books are On the Premises, They Beat Me over the Head with a Sack and Integrity and Dramatic Life Berrigan is Monday night coordinator for the Poetry Project. Books of poetry from Charles Borkhuis include Hypnogogic Sonnets, Proximity & Stolen Arrows, Dinner with Franz, and most recently, Alpha Ruins. David Cameron is nearing the end of a complete false translation of Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleurs Du Mal. Forty of these translations have been published in Flurries of Mail and Dirty Mom. Among Emilie Clark's collaborative book-art projects are The Rough Voice (with Lytle Shaw) and The Traveler and the Hill, and the Hill (with Lyn Hejinian). Peter Coe has exhibited at P.S. 1; Genovese / Sullivan, Boston; and Sala Rialto, Santiago de Cuba. He studied at Indiana University and Yale. Other work by Coe can be accessed at www.pcoe.com. Two projects for John Coletti are a book collaboration with painter Zachary Wollard and a book of comics with artist Jonathan Allen. Pieces by Coletti appear in Prosodia, Log, Ixnay and The Brooklyn Review On-line. Coletti resides in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Tom Devaney is the author of The American Pragmatist Fell In Love from Banshee Press. His criticism appears in Lungfull! and Jacket #11. His poems are in American Poetry: The Next Generation and in the catalog for the exhibit Greater New York at P.S. 1. A Little Gold Book, Upstairs and Poem On a Train are among Jordan Davis's recent books. Davis works at Teachers and Writers and moderates the subsubpoetics e-list. A founding member of Vancouver's Kootenay School of Writing and editor of Writing, Jeff Derksen now resides in Brooklyn. Recent books are Downtime and Dwell. Marcella Durand is the author of City of Ports and Lapsus Linguae, both from Situations Press. She has been program coordinator and Web editor for the Poetry Project at St. Mark's since 1997. Joe Elliot co-edits Situations Press. Andrew Epstein is a graduate student at Columbia. His work appears in Ribot, Raritan, Verse, North American Review and other zines. New work from Betsy Fagin appears in Kenning, and San Jose Manual of Style wiil soon be released by Five Fingers Review. She's based in Brooklyn. Recent books from Greg Fuchs are Came Like It Went (Buck Downs Books) and Uma Ternura (Canvas and Companhia). Fuchs is editing Brett Evans's After School Session for sub press. The two poems included here are from a new manuscript, The City That Never Lets Me Sleep. Joanna Fuhrman's first book Freud in Brooklyn was published by Hanging Loose Press this spring. Chris Funkhouser is a professor in Humanities and Social Sciences at New Jersey Institute of Technology and editor of We Press and Newark Review. Funkhouser lives on Staten Island. Drew Gardner's newest chapbook is The Carrying Stream. Work also appears in Primary Trouble: An Anthology of American Poetry, An Anthology of (New) American Poets and the New Coast issue of o.blek. Alan Gilbert has poems in The Baffler and First Intensity, and essays in Lagniappe and at the P.S. 1 Website. He lives in Greenpoint. Nada Gordon moved from Japan to Brooklyn in 1999. Published works include More Hungry, lip, Rodomontade and Koi Maneuver -- forthcoming are foriegnn bodie, Are Not Our Lowing Heifers Sleeker than Night-Swollen Mushrooms? and Correspondence (with Gary Sullivan). Julie Harrison and Brigid McLeer met at an "image, text and technology" conference and have been collaborating electronically since then. Harrison resides in New York and McLeer, an Irish artist, currently lives in Devon, UK. Pieces here are excerpts from a work-in-progress. Mitch Highfill's books are The Blue Dahlia (Detour), Turn (Situations), and Liquid Affairs (United Artists). Work is forthcoming in the anthology Heights of the Marvelous (St. Martin's). Highfill is Wednesday night coordinator at the Poetry Project for 1999-2000. Andrea Hollowell co-edited AYA. Hexagrams and Lost in Space are recent books. She lives in Manhattan. Works by Laird Hunt are Dear Sweetheart and a short novel The Paris Stories (small sicknesses of love). His writing appears in Grand Street, Sulfur, Talisman and Brick. This summer Brenda Iijima will have a one-woman show of her "Flower Images" (selections can be seen in The East Village) at a gallery in Chelsea. She is the author of Person(a). Winner of the Edgewise Electrolit International Videopoem Award, Adeena Karasick is a poet / cultural theorist. Her most recent book is Dyssemia Sleaze (Talonbooks, Spring 2000). Sean Killian's poetry has been widely published, most recently in Talisman and o.blek. He lives in the East Village. Eleana Kim collaborated on a documentary covering recent political, cultural, and social changes in Mongolia, where she worked with the Cultural Restoration Tourism Project. She now lives in Manhattan, studying anthropology at NYU. Pieces by Noelle Kocot have appeared in numerous magazines, including Lungfull! and The American Poetry Review. She lives in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Videos of Wendy Kramer reading two of her collages, "The Blind Poet" and "Wood or Wire?" are featured in Volume Eight of The East Village. "Chiclet Indica" first appeared in Essex 1, and recent work appears in Riding the Meridian. A recent transplant from Washington, D.C., Susan Landers now lives in Brooklyn. Her poems have appeared in Ixnay, Mirage, Phoebe, and The Washington Review. Katy Lederer lives and works in Brooklyn. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Jacket, Slope, and The Transcendental Friend. Writer / cartoonist / performance artist Rebecca Levi is the creator of the Queer Bedrooms website (www.queerbedrooms.com). She edits the dream-inspired zine Your Head on a Platter, and her illustrations appear in Anything that Moves and Faggo. Rachel Levitsky lives in Brooklyn and teaches poetry in grade schools. She is the author of four chapbooks, 2(1x1)Portraits (Baksun Books), The Adventures of Yaya and Grace (Potes & Poets), Cartographies of Error (Leroy) and Dearly, (a+bend). She curates the Belladonna Series at the Bluestockings Women's Bookstore in New York. Brendan Lorber's The Address Book from The Owl Press was released this January. He's the editor/publisher of LUNGFULL! and helps run the Sunday Night Zinc Bar and the Segue Foundation's Double Happiness reading series. A native of Shen Yang, China, Pun Sing Lui has performed and shown work in solo and group exhibitions in Beijing, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Berlin, Koln and New York. His work was included in Inside Out -- New Chinese Art, and a one man mixed media show of his work will open June 15 at Ethan Cohen Fine Arts. Kimberly Lyons has several chapbooks and a 26-part poem, Mettle, published with images by Ed Epping as a limited edition from Granary Books. Lyons' Abracadabra is just out from Granary. She was the program coordinator at the Poetry Project and is now a psychiatric social worker. Pattie McCarthy edits BeautifulSwimmer Press and teaches at Queens College. Two of her chapbooks were published in 1998: Octaves (ixnay press) and Choragus (Potes & Poets). She recieved her M.A. from Temple University. Sharon Mesmer is the author of Half Angel / Half Lunch (Hard Press) and The Empty Quarter: Stories (Hanging Loose Press). Recently returned to Brooklyn from Morocco, Ange Mlinko is now in transition from Brooklyn to Manhattan. She is the author of Immediate Orgy and Audit (lift) and Matinees (Zoland). Born in Reedley, California, Peter Neufeld is editing the first issue of the journal Aufgabe with E. Tracy Grinnell. Richard O'Russa lives and exhibits his work in Manhattan. He recently finished a collaboration with Joe Elliot, with whom he works at the SoHo Print Center. New books from Wanda Phipps are Lunch Poems from BoogLit and Your Last Illusion or Break Up Sonnets coming soon from Situations Press. She is a contributing editor for Big Bridge (www.bigbridge.org/) and curates "Mind Honey" (www.users.interport.net/~wanda). The image by John Pilson is a still from a video installation entitled "Interregna" shown in Greater New York at P.S. 1, and at the Kunst-Werke in Berlin through July 2000. Kristin Prevallet edited and wrote the introduction for a selection of poems and collages by the late Helen Adam. Prevallet teaches at Long Island University and for Teachers and Writers Collaborative. Her most recent chapbook is Selections from the Parasite Poems from Barque. Poetry books from Laurie Price include Except for Memory and Under the Sign of the House. The Assets is forthcoming from Situations. Price is interviewed in the second issue of Readme. Jen Robinson is the author of For Conifer Fanatics. Her work has appeared in Lungfull, 6,500, and Cocodrilo, and she has performed it on beaches from Fire Island to Oahu. Douglas Rothschild (aka DglsN.Rthscjld) writes that "he came to be a poet merely on a lark. Since then he has writen may fine poems." A contributing editor for Publishers Weekly and Poets & Writers, Michael Scharf has a chapbook,Telemachiad from Harry Tankoos Books, a small press of which he is editor and publisher. He is a doctoral candidate at City University of New York. Prageeta Sharma is the author of A Just-So Poem (Booglit) and Bliss to Fill (Subpress). Her work can be found online at Boston Review, Combo and University of Pennsylvania's Kelly Writers House. She is the drummer for The Sleeves. Lytle Shaw has published four poetry chapbooks, two in collaboration with the artist Emilie Clark, with whom he edits Shark, a journal of poetics and art writing. In his first full-length book, Cable Factory 20, Robert Smithson's description of "Spiral Jetty" serves as a 'guide' for 20 site-specific poems. Julie Sloane lives on the Lower East Side. For the past five years she's painted scenic backdrops and sets for the entertainment industry in New York, primarily film and theater. She is art editor of LUNGFULL! Rick Snyder's chapbooks Blueprint and Double Ear are available from 811 Books. He edits the poetry journal Cello Entry and works as a freelance copy editor. Brian Kim Stefans's books include Free Space Comix (1998), Gulf (1998) and Angry Penguins (2000), along with the chapbook A Poem of Attitudes (2000). His visual work can be found at www.ubu.com. He edits Arras (www.arras.net). Chris Stroffolino's books are Stealer's Wheel, Oops, Incidents (at the Corner of Desire and Disgust): Poems 1985-1988 and Cusps. Stroffolino co- edited An Anthology of (New) American Poets for Talisman. He lives in Williamsburg. Gary Sullivan edits Readme (www.jps.net/nada). Deadman, a novel, was published by Meow in 1996, and three books, The New Life, The Art of Poetry and Correspondence (with Nada Gordon) are due soon. Among Rodrigo Toscano's books are The Disparities (Sun & Moon) and Partisans (O Books) and, forthcoming, Platform (commissioned by Atelos Press). He works at The Labor Institute in New York. Born in Nigeria, Fatimah Tuggar lives in New York. She studied at Yale and in the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program. Tuggar has shown at the Johannesburg and Istanbul Biennales, Kwangju Biennale 2000, P.S. 1, the New Museum and the Brooklyn Museum. Her first solo exhibit is slated for this fall at Greene Naftali Gallery, New York. NY Index |