![]() | ![]() LA | NY A Special Edition of The East Village Jordan Davis EPISTEMOLOGY WANTS YOU Across town -- town, with you every day To ejudicate the boundaries I carry the bones Out of town -- chuck the junk -- free the slaves -- Up and down again too soon -- free the slaves From their slaves -- free again in the street Shadows buoying on the bow rewinding and then In this each as important as the other system Nothing isn't singular -- back up coughing and looking Scrimmage line of cab doors the Airborne Express Lady with the jheri curl is home. Gruppo Decalogo On 22nd Street, walks by nodding to Steely Dan It's more like the soviet or radiation or poor nutrition As I prop my sweatered elbow on tv. General Delivery. Dragonfly first thing -- the transmission Of unknowing isn't God to football and chess -- View of things as opposed coming from a church On the stone wall by the piled-up slovenly sod Believe more or less except the track meet quiz show The only thing today is good that runs where you go To write your love notes in superlative common Calling fighting condensing each shorter than the last The song is a uniform to wear when you slow down and they go by What can't be done wide and with their hair up In the crisp blue coat little movies and TVs Wider than sunset bluer than life the going treelight in a storm shop On somehow life-giving carpets do you take pleasure in the way people bounce along Enclosed in linen feel a surprising give Archival looks and rhyming walks she's carrying herself with her teeth Sweetness of a clean nursery a building so tagged it's it Being good meaning paying the bills in battle And thunderstorms and what for familiar procedure You do believe in control or no the diagonal school Negotiating visiting rights with the sun portfolio dangled To the bottom half of walks flips its racket walking The half songs dispense with us then someone Girl looks down so far says hi! And it's over The way the grass grows let the cane fall Motherhood and food to the wandering eye The need for screenplays light from a basement apartment The cough is catching they thought epics were handbooks Owner and dog march with soda though theydidn't think of it If the cab on the cobbles makes a strike did the Ancient Greeks have fun The whistle of a plane at the earth making up for all the dull stories In the sunny church darkness the toppling inevitable newsclip Up to the top of the grass enclosures the dust of the moon on you Short gloom plashes dote and raid the siren'd pickup I don't answer to you I look at people at angles In windows fire drawl the time limit but barely Closeout meetings below make a protest movie Block parade kisses upright a fallow melisma shade The one of us shore questions on the piling mitigation croupier Lifelike accessories proposed battening sundress mosaic The cruel moods out of me as well as you wear your pants That is warmth and divestment told cat-style without regard For which I make labials strewing the tools, spooking The sky rake, hatdance carhorn degree, elevated crooks Yes is a curse to them a skateboard on a guard rail Crows can't get to, time the university of no And of duplication shadow on a screendoor, a doorbell Birdsong nothing distance crows can't get to, time Is time to blank and repeat that when it's answered It comes unspooled as soon as the prude does the damage The beginning of rhyme -- time for a spanking Man behind me keeps rasping all right then all right them The wrist shakes as the fuselage of the head car shakes They twine their flight paths my parents cut out articles To rattle me, for instance red-head finches I don't need This one about tenants rights valium only to keep the head Frugal with chirrups fibrillates the cherry tree-mosquito Families count, look out is a sewing hand in flight, A finch is the fall of train river slush organizations Isn't what's To get through Illustrating to you what goes different On the avenue rises and all the fiancees cheer a student Settlement -- they had no switch rail shining -- Is doing but they know well take birth control Use both sides if necessary.) Since his murder in 1995 Argument dogood carbondate Buster Brown Barefoot and pragmatic Hungry angry lonely tired some functions of memory Elapse and coordinate known as playing the changes The way etymology has taken over me Searching for bad blocks and not to sacralize Could be organized hallway cardamom They read energy crisis for lunch Actuary pinnacle chute colossus Firewall residue plain as the rinse On the rivets crossing the jack Globular booming gratuitous show-off flirt They're repelled by arborvitae likewise ficus butterfly goodbye renegade traders Speeding arbiters of sunset Trixie Command the highwind sapphires Tablecloth flip like a skirt chair partly in shade To do your job keeps you the matter rests Escapes it's not laziness Next |