![]() | ![]() LA | NY A Special Edition of The East Village Martin Nakell Rain: A Disquisition that rain which is eternity's eternal ice that rain which announces the liberty of the unknown the exquisite execution of the hangman singing that rain which returns after a brief hiatus, bringing with it its eternal wind to sway the trees upon whose bark the rain sucks, soaks that rain which returns after a thousand year absence that rain which returns after one million years that rain which flows out streaming from your pores that rain in which friendship becomes eternally silent that rain my god in whose waters one's ancestors finally bathe enfin stretch out their bodies strained with the tensions they met that rain which wouldn't come and wouldn't come and at last that rain in which the child said my teacher said we would have a great drought this year how can it be how can that rain be that rain which causes predictable meditations in those who do not have to tremble in its cold that rain which comes only once like an annunciation but not of a birth not of a salvation not of a miracle that rain which announces hunger from the belly of its fall that rain, ravaging, which renounces anguish which annihilates nourishment abandons comfort which expands to enlarge a universe of the acceptable that rain which would not come for prayer nor dance nor stop on imprecation that rain which forced sight to the limit of the objective world which would imply nothing beyond it nothing nothing that rain whose ax cut the cord at the astonishment of gasps that rain which promised to return but never in a future that rain which has no relation no brother no sister no mother and whose father is not crying but has stopped crying that rain which turns day to the relief of dimness but turns darkness to something cubic that rain raining, suspended, pendulant, hanging that rain from which there is no running, no flight, because direction is the first thing it authorizes that rain which we listen to, lying inside, all night, all morning, appeased that rain which resolves the conversation between rage and beauty while yet perpetuating it for the sake of something significant to do during the rain that rain which stitches together the edges of leaf and air that rain which proved the disexistence of God which sent the theologeans scurrying for a topic to occupy the void for a rooftop which opened up a field of awe that rain which refuses to command anyone to anything, which issues grants to inertia that rain without metaphore, that rain without syntax, that rain without intention the lawlessness of that rain remaking its own shape continuously the artfulness of that rain simultaneously remaking its own shape the betrayal of that rain promising nothing beyond the potential for nourishment or flood that rain which pours out of our bodies in rituals we return to to return that rain which everyone even everywhere knows so that you might write to them about it that rain through which people have gone even so and nearly dauntless or in defiance that rain which the gods did not ordain which surprised them that rain which the meteorologist predicts each night at sunset that rain which as a child said is nothing but rain that rain which the the rabbis discussed their words become magenta that rain which affirms its position as the soul of denial which repeats yes yes that rain which sempiternally causes indicates announces signals motivates stasis that rain which drenched our ancestors' sleep that rain which has quenched thirsts that rain which the animals have aspired to imitate that rain which will not provide the scholars with definitions but with pursuits that rain which would provide the scholars with their definitions were they only willing that rain which tedium flaunted its laughter that rainsound resonant inimitiable suggestible by certain sets of collected alphabetic symbols: tink, tick, tuck, tunk tong bing rit to annunciate the worlds of tin,,,,, concrete,,,,, roof,,,,, wood,,,,windowglass,,,, tar that rain which kept track of the hours of the Creation and repeats them that rain which adapts each molecule to the rapid changes of environment that rain which infiltrates wisdom, spies on it, reports on it to itself which is its own superior that rain which drowned the men at war in the oath of their poem that rain which did not flood but ran off the edges of earth whose source is perhaps exhaustible because the exhaustible and the eternal are equal that rain which muted the world of the flora that rain which drowned workers at the frenzy of their piece-work benches that rain which turned off the music of the spheres ah that rain which made the distance between lost and lost unconditional that rain which recaptured the sound of the Sermon on the Mount from where it had drifted off into space which recaptured the sound of Solomon making love to his people which recaputred that rain which giggles that rain which disagrees with the proposition that the middle class is what drives American prosperity that rain whose migraine won't quit that rain which the industrial revolution tried to abolish to displace to co-opt to re-create to find a good use for that rain which produces an as yet unheard of and as yet unusable hydroelectric power that rain which instituted reality by virtue of touch that rain which had seen the face of God at Mt. Sinai which had not died that rain in which the homeless pursue their invention that rain which whose coming is a present of the act that rain which Sappho drank into the corpus of her thought that rain which stubbed its toe on a book that rain which lacks all imagination that rain with its base obsession compulsive repetition that rain in redictation to the form of rain that rain which is round to be held in the palm of an emergency hand that rain which directs eros in the perfomance of her pantomime, silent, daring, darling of the sages that rain whose exhaustion is velvet, whose violence bemuses the animal world that rain which criticized no one, never knew sin, raged, never envied that rain which annointed weariness with irony, fell on the heads of those who came pronouncing legends of floods that rain which adapts each molecule to the millenial changes of environment that rain which incubates centuries until they are ready for profligate mortality that rain which daedal mists all space fills in connects stands still moves rises as in falling that rain a continuation of that rain which replies factually at the interstice of not becoming that rain which constitutes color mask formal setting ceremonial dress proper greeting that rain which fixes their paint to their painted bodies that rain which insists on being written that rain which creates destruction that rain which analyzes the hypothesis of the discourse of absolute opposition that rain which concentrates being into clarity, transparency, density that rain which autographs the blood of childhood at the soft speech of everyday irony Next |