Karen Mac Cormack At Issue VIII That which is called nothing is found only in time and words. -- da Vinci and making them flourish you can feel Microspheres (non-sticky is nonsense on another note) only one new piece had everything under control getting there won't swoosh in Episode off at any moment tapped into entrance-making double doors available again think retro not too perfect dual finish or in two places at the same time year-round capability to give anyone a nervous breakdown just-swivel portability take it anywhere glides on floor to bottom stands for intuition as mechanics twice is open preview intervenes to light it up for "fashion slang" spiked overstatement the next commercial slapdash pilfered interacting with wander zones about taste "wrong end of a trend" before landing is on hold then comes easy decidedly street before substance a contract having a bad day they're spinning pulled lines shorthand for blip around that's spun looking for linger or frozen on the phone outside the soliloquy a bullet continues easy to be cynical seemingly forever cuts diverging hovers in winds up flagrante delicto rasp and basilisk occupany own imagination not a walk-on might wish for more (who) also commissions what kind of name? "in the middle of the Canadian wilderness" and unavoidable sense of isolation reacted with in thrall to go along with underneath never stops across the pinging walking with a vehicle for statement philosophy instead of science disorders in a beverage ragged too easily sixties-grown clout plus is a must (evolving-esque the gamut) letters unsent ferment will out-in-such impediment mock-up or not five minutes per capita control the subject scoop Poetries of Canada Index |
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