Clint Burnham CHicago.LAnd do you know michaelturner? the hand lets go of itself as the gun leaves the bullet wound whitney's ill bat boxers onna guy mourning the loss eye carlid rabbits by the freeway gold nails no other buyout artist so disappears into his lyric police party video to clever multiburials level playing field with corporate boxes de-asbesto'd prison prophets part-time entrance don't know what street chicago station's on hoffa sticker friend of workers race to the bottom of the race read the lips of her story old salt worked by virgins of either 70s cubs trip w/ex announcer meant roadhouse's except valley parking lot there converted jew with a tat right to grow coca ebony tower sidetied runner wasn't a mask ripped off his face that hadn't occured to me all the time 'k-be a little bit of the mod MOb in all of us infuhmainment ex brother in lootenant throwing bagels of femininity for against porkchop water dog vanishingly small chester the molestor relax god is in charge gaptooth page sawtooth word close tears negative viewer identity loses the identity card memory forget soap forgets the hand cranked nigerian sunday on friday VW fox b or poet coffee guy's like you want a bag waving a hand over the fano forgets he's a fan doesn't know the name of the next fan RIA CRACK's a free cellcall gangsign sterling's the native son of a bitche's brew loftapalooza possessor of the evil eye may your fact turn white rivered or streetkilled clintec the undetected detectors diss job is a bribed Rocktoberfest don't be paranoid about being paranoid everyone gets two sets of parents to watch each other orange juice me loud mouth lid gangster with reverse-Tourrettes syndrome fuck the mother(fucker) i care about the kids I's on Geraldo spring hut hot the kids not without killing my father keep your kids away from my white tramp bugera log-in back ho's're behind y'all the way they'd be out of their depth in a drop of piss if she's on fire strap the kids in it's time to hit a man realer than me 2B come a real man service service magnet dancers acid spill jeans survived the fifth grade to be hipstoric you bought her hair gel and ear tampons what is her debt cookie mon cokie watch dashula.girl.board wist doowatchyalike hi tek same ol' oi 'getz awlogy she's done boys done done done it want to be good because I believe good is good but that's just my opinion along its inner spine, drop-down trickles recta drizzling images of snakes on strings flying thru hair gumbo murals stews heads see what they're blockheading foRV historians damn good thing the clubhouse leader emerging contact lens markets damn good bad poke Clint Burnham Index |
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